How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline (in 8 Easy Steps)

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Wouldn’t you just love to know how to write great headlines over and over again, so that every article, post or content you published was consumed and shared in great numbers, with delight, by your target audience?

According to Eugene Schwartz, one of the greatest copywriters ever to have lived;

‘Your headline has only one job – to stop your prospect and compel him to read the second sentence of your ad’

From Breakthrough Advertising – Eugene Schwartz

In this post I’m talking less about ads and more about blog posts but the principle remains the same.

Your headline needs to compel the visitor or searcher to click on your article and read your introduction.

Mr Schwartz goes on to say;

In exactly the same way your second sentence has only one job – to force him to read the third sentence if your ad. And the third sentence – and every additional sentence – has exactly the same job.

And if you’re still reading, then my headline and the sentences I have written have done their job! So far so good! 🙂

Man dirty in a boat with still here gif

But how do we create the perfect headline? How do we stand out from the crowd of both well written and terrible headlines that clog up people’s newsfeeds and search pages?

How do we ensure that our headline is the one that grabs attention, invokes curiosity and speaks directly to our target audience so they can’t help but click to read more?

Well in all honesty, much of it will come from practice and testing and measuring but there are some specific strategies you can employ immediately which will dramatically improve even ordinary headlines without too much effort.

Quick Takeaways:

  1. Understand Your Audience:
    • Identify the desires and awareness levels of your audience before crafting headlines.
  2. Keyword Focus:
    • Conduct keyword research to align your headline with what your ideal audience is searching for.
  3. Benefit-Oriented Headlines:
    • Emphasize the benefits readers will gain from your content to tap into their desires.
  4. Incorporate Numbers and Buzzwords:
    • Use numbers and buzzwords in your headlines to provide clarity and set expectations for the reader.
  5. Consider Humor or Outrage (When Appropriate):
    • Gauge your target audience and, if suitable, add humor or outrage to make headlines more engaging.
  6. Test Headline Visibility on Google:
    • Ensure your headline fits within the pixel limit for optimal visibility on the Google search page.
  7. Craft a Compelling Meta Description:
    • Write a meta description that complements your headline, focusing on benefits and a call to action.
  8. Continuous Testing and Measurement:
    • Don’t settle for one headline; experiment with variations to find the most effective one for your audience.
  9. Utilize Headline Generators for Inspiration:
    • Explore headline generators like for inspiration and tested headline ideas.
  10. Headlines Impact Content Consumption:
    • Recognize that a captivating headline is crucial for attracting readers and improving content engagement.

8 Tips for Writing Compelling & Highly Clickable Headlines

The chances are you already have a semblance of a headline in mind. Perhaps you’re writing about a particular yoga pose, examples of urban photography or as per some of my examples through this post, asian cooking.

The key is to turn your idea into something that grabs attention and does indeed compel readers to click, engage and share.

In this article by Cynthia Marinakos (another Schwartz fan), the two most important considerations to writing great headlines are;

  1. Mass Desire
  2. State of Awareness of Your Reader

Mass desire being universal wants and values such as;

  • Wanting to be more attractive
  • Wanting more money
  • Wanting to work less
  • Being loved
  • Being happy, etc

State of Awareness being – how much does the audience already know about the specific mass desire you’re addressing.

Therefore the first step to writing great headlines is to;

1. Know Your Audience

You can’t possibly write compelling, clickable headlines without knowing what it is your audience wants to achieve (desire) and where in their journey they are (state of awareness).

For example a good friend of mine wants to start a blog all about asian cooking.

Her site will target the ‘at home’ cook as opposed to seasoned professionals and will no doubt span the reluctant chef (like me) who just wants to spice up mealtimes occasionally, through to the regular dinner party host known to all their family & friends for their amazing culinary skills.

By tapping into the wants and needs of each of these types of people she’ll be able to craft headlines (and posts) directed at their specific desire and state of awareness.

Headlines that would attract someone like me, might say something like;

  • How to Cook a Tasty Chinese Stir Fry in Under 10 Minutes or
  • Fast Easy Asian Dishes for Mums who Hate Cooking or
  • How to Cook Red Curry Fast with Only 3 Ingredients

These headlines tap into my desires to a) cook & eat asian food (because I love it) and b) cook fast & easy (because I don’t like cooking).

They also tap into my state of awareness as they’re clearly directed at novices/people who aren’t keen on cooking.

Whereas the more experienced home chef would respond better to headlines such as;

  • 15 Dim Sum Recipes You Can Make at Home
  • The Perfect 5 Course Asian Meal for the Dinner Party Host
  • 10 Asian Fusion Dishes for the Home Chef

Before you even start to write your articles, create your content, or devise your awesome headline ask yourself;

  • Who is this for?
  • What do they want?
  • How much do they already know?

2. Focus on Your Main Keyword / Keyphrase

Hopefully before you sat down to write your masterpiece you did a little keyword research to make sure you were creating something your ideal audience were looking for.

If not I highly recommend this as a strategy you employ. Even if the world of SEO does not excite you in any way, some basic keyword research will ensure your hard work is found more readily and not just on google either.

All social networks have an element of keyword relevance these days, particularly sites like Pinterest and YouTube, which are search engines in their own right.

screenshot of Oberlo monthly searches on pinterest

It’s a five-minute job at most, (unless you’re engaging in hefty SEO practices), can be done for free and will no doubt result in many more post ideas as you realise the kind of information your audience is looking for.

Here’s how to do some basic keyword research in 5 minutes or less;

A. Start with your focus keyword or phrase. So, using the example of my friends blog about Asian Cooking, one of her focus keyphrases will obviously be ‘asian cooking’.

B. Type your focus keyphrase into Google and get some ideas from the autosuggest.

screenshot of google autosuggest search result for Asin cooking

C. Take note of the ‘people also ask’ & ‘searches related’ to sections of the search engine results page.

screenshot of people also ask page on google
screenshot of related searches to asian cooking on the button of the google search result page

D. Add the free chrome extension ‘keywords everywhere’ for more ideas.

screenshot of chrome extension "keywords everywhere" free keyword tool

E. Take some of your favourites and plug them into the free Ubersuggest keyword tool. This will show search volume and how easy or difficult it is to rank in the search engines. Don’t get too caught up on the numbers, most SEO tools are fairly inaccurate, but they will give you a guide.

screenshot of ubersuggest keyword tool search result

What I love about Ubersuggest however, (apart from the fact it’s free), is the ‘Content Ideas’ section.

screenshot of content ideas result page

Here you can get lots of inspiration for potential titles and also see which titles got the most social shares.

Knowing your audience as you do, you’ll be able to glean inspiration from titles already performing well as you craft your own headlines.

3. Focus on the Benefit

Where possible, you’ll want to include what the reader is going to get by reading or consuming your content (tapping into their desire);

  • 10 Quick and Easy Beginner Chinese Recipes (benefit – not much cooking & your family thinks you’re a culinary god!)
  • 40 Chinese Dinners That are Faster & Healthier Than Takeout (benefit – save money, time and lose weight!)
  • How to Write a Blog Post That People Will Actually Read (benefit – recognition, engagement)
  • How to Set Personal Goals That Will Change Your Life (benefit – happiness, prosperity, success)
  • 7 Steps to Creating SEO Rich Posts That Will Rank No 1 on Google (benefit – significance, bragging rights, oh & traffic of course)

Your headline isn’t just about getting more traffic, increasing engagement or easy cooking, it’s about what those things mean to the consumer.

Your job as a writer is to capture the emotional needs and wants of your audience in both your content and headlines.

The better you can take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires of your readers and channel that into your headline, the greater the chance of them engaging with and consuming your content.

I know, it’s getting a bit deep so let’s lighten it up a bit….

4. Add Numbers & Buzzwords

According to Mike Hamers writing for The Write Direction Numbers are like brain candy to the organisational mind.

screenshot of using numbers narrative

Just think about your reaction to this post if the headline were;

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline

Rather than;

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline (in 8 Easy Steps)

They say an image is worth a thousand words. Adding a number to your headline kind of works the same way. Psychologically, numbers tell us what we’re going to get, without a long-winded explanation.

If I wrote ‘201 Tips for Writing Highly Clickable Headlines’, you would have known instantly this was a long and meaty post which would take some time to work through. You may have skipped, bookmarked for later, scanned the document to look for anything useful, or grabbed a cuppa, put your feet up and set in for a big read, depending on your goals.

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline (in 8 Easy Steps)’, told you it would be a fairly detailed but readable post in a few minutes or more. It also indicated it would give you an easy follow along strategy.

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline’, gives you none of that specificity. You’re not sure what to expect which makes my job as the writer more difficult to meet your expectations.

Along with numbers, buzzwords add to the setting of expectations for the reader.

Buzzwords might include;

  • Tips
  • Strategies
  • Ways
  • Ideas
  • Steps
  • Tools
  • Mistakes
  • Elements
  • Secrets
  • Essential
  • Plans
  • Trends
  • Facts
  • Guide
  • Ultimate
  • Step by Step
  • Lessons

Here are some examples;

  • 10 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness
  • 15 Ways to Make Money Travel Blogging
  • 19 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing Campaigns
  • 10 Basic Ingredients Every Kitchen Must Have for Asian Cooking
  • 5 Essential Commands You Can Teach Your Dog
  • 7 Secrets to a Winning Mentality
  • 21 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2020
  • SEO in 2020: The Definitive Guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest

By reading the headlines you get an instant indication of exactly what to expect when you click on the post, meaning as the reader, if the headline meets your need, you’re far more likely to consume the content and if relevant, share to others.

screenshot of google result examples

5. Sprinkle in Some Humour/Outrage

Adding humour or outrage to your blog post titles will very much depend on your target market.

If you’re speaking to the corporate world and your blog is the latest news in a specific and serious profession, then humour may not work for your audience (although I’m sure would be occasionally welcome).

In the lifestyle business/travel blogger niche (which I am in), going off the beaten track a little with your post headlines is a must!

Author Mark Manson is probably the god of outrageous headlines topping book charts for the last few years with his series;

(Warning! Profanity alert)

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Everything isl F*cked – A Book About Hope

mark manson outrageous book titles 2 books

He backs his books up with equally outrageous and humorous blog titles such as;

“Who the Fuck Am I?”: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Values

5 Steps to Becoming Insanely, Spectacularly, Wildly Successful… or Whatever

The Cognitive Biases that Make Us All Terrible People

Fuck Your Feelings

screenshot of mark manson outrageous headlines landing page

James Altucher (one of my favourite podcasters) is another one for writing headlines that make people stop and read for a second time.

NYC is Dead Forever…Here’s Why

The Great Hypocrisy of 2020

I Failed to Prevent My Kid From Going to College

screenshot of website

I’m not suggesting you instantly go out and start to add profanities to your blog titles or write contentious articles just for the hell of it unless that’s what you do and what your audience know you for.

But ask yourself how you can make some otherwise fairly mundane headlines a bit more interesting.

Here’s some of mine, read without the bolded the parts and then with;

Not particularly outrageous but definitely more interesting with the bolded extras.

Here’s Andrew Warner with 36 more outrageous headlines you can’t help but click, for inspiration.

6. Test Your Title Fits on The Google Search Page

By now you should have some great ideas for your highly clickable headline. To ensure you get the maximum amount of clicks, however, you do not want half of your headline disappearing off the search results page.

The key to a great headline is that the whole thing is visible on a search.

The length of a headline is unfortunately not based on characters although a rough guide of 60 will get you close.

It is in fact based on pixels. So you may write a 60 character headline which looks like it will fit, but the minute you add capitals to the beginning of each word you may exceed the pixel length which will automatically cut off your last word.

The easiest way to test your headline is to use the Moz Title Tag tool.

Simply paste your desired headline into the preview box and your headline will show up as it would in the google search results.

screenshot of moz title tag tool
screenshot of moz title tag preview  tool

Please remember that your title tag (the headline that shows up on google) does not necessarily need to be the exact replica of your blog post headline.

When you create your headline for your blog post, WordPress will automatically use that as the title tag which will show in the google search results (this will all be done in the code in the backend).

However, you can have a different blog headline to your title tag using the highly recommended for all bloggers Yoast plugin.

Yoast makes on-page SEO easy for even the most novice bloggers who know nothing about SEO (like moi for instance), by giving recommendations on the number of keywords you should have in your post, adding alt tags to your images, various readability issues and adding your title tag and metadata.

To easily change your title tag (the title that will show in the search results), you simply navigate to the SEO area below your blog post and insert your the ideal headline.

screenshot of yoast plugin example
screenshot of yoast plugin sample result

Don’t make it so different that there’s no congruency when people get to the post, but if the headline is a little long for the article you can truncate it for the search results.

7. Add Metadata

I promise this is not an SEO post disguised as a headline post, but the goal here is to ensure our headline is clicked on.

That’s what we’re trying to achieve.

So after you’ve put in the hard work of creating an awesome attention-grabbing title, we want to give it every chance of getting that all-important click.

To do that, adding a quick sentence directly under the headline whether for the google search results or on social media will serve as the icing on the cake for moving people to take action.

Once again Yoast makes this job supremely easy for us with a box dedicated to the meta description which will show on google. All we have to do is fill it in.

screenshot of add a meta description

Don’t spend too long devising the perfect sentence, as you’ll be testing and measuring as you go. As Neil Patel says in his post – How to Write Compelling Meta Descriptions That’ll Boost Your Rankings, the goal is to master this art so you can do it quickly.

The main thing is to think about what your audience is going to get from reading your post and focus on that.

For example – for this post on writing highly clickable blog post headlines my meta description is;

Catch attention in seconds by writing engaging headlines that people want to click on. Read on to discover how to write a headline in just a few minutes.

First I focus on the outcome you’ll get by putting this skill into practice ‘capture attention in seconds’. Then I add a call to action ‘Read on’. Lastly, I focus on the benefit to you by reading the post ‘how to write a headline in just a few minutes’, while also including my keyphrase – ‘how to write a headline’.

Here are my 3 tips for writing great meta descriptions;

  1. Be useful – how will your reader benefit from reading your post (tap into their desire!)
  2. Use your keywords/phrases in the meta description
  3. Give people a reason to click (state of awareness)
screenshot of meta description examples

8. Test & Measure

As I said in the introduction, much of writing great headlines, just like writing great articles or creating great content comes down to testing and measuring.

The beautiful thing about the world we live in now is that we get almost instant feedback. As soon as you publish your article google will start to crawl it to begin the ranking procedure, plus you can post on social media to gauge reaction and engagement.

It won’t take you long to know whether you have a winner or not.

The most important thing is that you don’t give up after one try.

If you post an article and no-one reads it, change the headline, change the image, change the meta description.

Post about it using multiple headlines, and multiple descriptions until one of them catches hold.

If you’re confident your content meets the need of your audience and you’ve spent the time creating it then don’t let it sit there. Work your backside off until it starts to get read!

Headline Generators

If all else fails, the clever tech gods have once again got you covered.

There are a series of headline generators online which allow you to add in your keywords/phrases, click a button and get a huge list of (in some cases) tested and proven headlines.

Here are some of the best;

screenshot of sumo headline generator is my personal favourite allowing you to choose the ‘type’ of headline you’d like to create, ie., Numbered Lists, How to, Explanatory, etc.

screenshot of sumo headline generator

Just type in your keywords as outlined on the left of the page and it generates all sorts of headline ideas to give you some inspiration.

Inbound Now is simply a page of headline ideas you can add your keywords to. Great for those ‘writers block’ days.

screenshot of inbound now blog title generator

You will have to leave your email address to use The Hoth’s headline generator, but it will keep churning out ideas everytime you click on the ‘generate more ideas’ button.

screenshot of the hoth headline generator

Other Headline Generators;

Tweak Your Biz Title Generator

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

Portent Title Maker

Lastly here are 101 Blog Post Headline Formulas You Can Swipe and Deploy from the folks over at

Pros and Cons of Crafting Highly Clickable Headlines


  1. Increased Engagement with Attention-Grabbing Headlines:
    • Crafting an attention-grabbing headline can significantly boost reader engagement, increasing the chances of clicks and shares.
  2. Effective Headlines Drive Clicks:
    • Writing effective headlines ensures that your content stands out in crowded newsfeeds, compelling users to click and explore further.
  3. Optimized Headlines for SEO:
    • Tailoring headlines with relevant keywords, such as “write great headlines” and “craft a headline,” enhances SEO, improving search engine visibility.
  4. Enhanced Content Consumption:
    • Compelling headlines not only attract clicks but also contribute to increased content consumption as readers find the content aligned with their expectations.
  5. Improved Visibility on Search Pages:
    • Crafting headlines with a focus on SEO helps your content appear prominently on search pages, driving organic traffic to your site.
  6. Utilization of Tested Headline Generators:
    • Leveraging headline generators like can provide inspiration and tested headline ideas, streamlining the creative process.


  1. Challenge in Balancing Humor or Outrage:
    • While adding humor or outrage can make headlines more interesting, there’s a challenge in balancing it appropriately, as it may not suit every audience or topic.
  2. Risk of Over-Optimization:
    • Overusing keywords, such as “write a good headline” and “craft a headline,” may lead to over-optimization, negatively impacting search engine rankings.
  3. Potential for Misleading Headlines:
    • Crafting headlines that prioritize clickability may risk being perceived as misleading if they do not accurately represent the content, leading to dissatisfaction among readers.
  4. Variable Success with Headline Variations:
    • Testing and measuring different headline variations can be time-consuming, and there’s no guarantee of instant success, requiring ongoing effort to find the most effective headline.
  5. SEO Complexity:
    • While optimizing headlines for SEO is crucial, the constantly evolving nature of search algorithms adds a layer of complexity, necessitating continuous adaptation.

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline – Summary

Arguably the headline is the most important part of your article.

If a reader is not attracted to click by the title of the piece, then no matter how awesome the content is, it won’t get consumed.

Add to that the google and social media algorithms fire up when content is engaged with. Low click-through rates will result in less reach and impressions across the platforms.

It will pay dividends to spend some time on your headlines and ensure you’re getting your message and amazing content out into a world that surely needs it!

Good luck!

How to Write a Highly Clickable Headline – FAQs

How do you write a good headline?

Writing a good headline involves understanding your audience, focusing on keywords like “write great headlines,” and crafting a compelling, benefit-oriented statement that resonates with readers’ desires and needs.

What are some headline examples?

Examples of effective headlines include attention-grabbing phrases like “catchy headlines,” “compelling headlines,” or “irresistible headlines,” which aim to engage and draw in the target audience.

What is a good sentence for a headline?

A good sentence for a headline is one that clearly communicates the benefit or value readers will gain, incorporating keywords like “powerful headlines” and “headlines that stand out” for maximum impact.

How do I create a new headline?

To create a new headline, consider your audience, incorporate keywords such as “craft a headline,” and experiment with elements like numbers, buzzwords, or humor, ensuring it aligns with the content of your next article.

About the author

Disclaimer: Please note this post may contain affiliate links, from which, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I only recommend products and services I’ve used or would use myself. If you choose to purchase from any of my links, thanks so much for your support! 😊