How to Start & Grow a YouTube Channel

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I’m going to split this section in two as you might be interested in making videos but not necessarily for YouTube.

So if YouTube is your jam keep reading, but if you’re more interested in general recording techniques and FB Lives etc, keep scrolling.


In the last 10 years, I have made & uploaded 572 videos to YouTube, had a total of 946,000 views (ooh I didn’t realize I’d had that many until I just looked that up, almost to the million!), have 5.5k subscribers and my most viewed video is a 2 minute video on finding the html code in wordpress recorded in 2011 that’s had 81,396 views, which as I write this I just unlisted because it’s a very specific video about how to use my old facebook page templates.

screenshot of videolytics page

The power of keyword research!

Screenshot of Your lifestyle Business Channelytics page

Some of those numbers sound impressive right? We’ll come back to that.

In the meantime, lets get your channel setup!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Justin Brown from Primal Video. He is my go to guy for anything video & YouTube and here he is with a superb and detailed walk through of exactly how to setup your YouTube channel. Even if you already have your channel setup, it’s worth watching to ensure you are properly optimised!

Brilliant stuff eh?

Now we’re going to bring back our old friend Brian Dean from Backlinko for his excellent video on How to Start & Grow a YouTube Channel in 2020.

He has some amazing tips on designing your channel, publishing awesome videos, end screens and such like. A not to be missed video for sure!

Lastly I’m going to introduce you to a lady who blows my above numbers out of the water!

YouTube expert Sunny Lenarduzzi who has uploaded only 292 videos, had a total of 19.2 million views! Has 383,000 subscribers and her most viewed video had over 2 million views.

Screenshot of Sunny Lenarduzzi Channelytics page

Phew! Now those numbers are impressive!

She is so captivating and natural on video I challenge you to only watch one of her videos! (Seriously, I start with one and end up watching 5!).

Here’s Sunny talking you through her 10 Tips to Winning on YouTube in 2020;

I think that probably gives you a starter for ten on YouTube my friend.

Before you go though I do want to share with you my favorite channel on YouTube.

This guy is so cool and his videos are so beautiful, it’s no wonder he’s got 4.3million subscribers, has had 304million views of his 389 videos, with his most viewed video standing at 8.8million views!

Check out Peter McKinnon, just to be swept away in a cinematographic fantasy!

Screenshot of a youtube video on pause that shows a ship sailing in the middle of a ocean

Other Video Marketing Techniques

So YouTube is not the be all and end all. You might decide you want to grow your video audience on Facebook like Nas Daily (15 million followers)!

Screenshot of Nas Daily video

Or do super valuable FB Lives like the best in the business Mari Smith

Screenshot of  Mari smith post with the link of her video

But where do we start?

Well how about getting comfy in front of that video camera?

Here’s a video I made showing you how to make it much easier to record videos by creating a mini studio, the equipment you need, how to script your videos, record your videos and get over any fears you may have!

Let’s also return to the amazing Justin Brown on YouTube who has a complete playlist for becoming an expert on Facebook Live.

Screenshot of Facebook live tutorial

Phew, I’m throwing a lot of info at you right here, but before you go video is such a huge and vast subject, I could share so much more with you. However there are people in the world who have vastly more experience in this arena than I so if you would like to delve deeper here is a fantastic guide to all things video from the folks over at Hubspot – The Ultimate Guide To Video Marketing.

Illustration of video Marketing

There won’t be much you don’t know after consuming that monster, but as with podcasting, the best knowledge comes from doing, so get started today my friend and comment below with a video!

Remember practice makes perfect progress!

Quote says Practice makes Progress
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